Wednesday, 25 May 2011

A Picture A Day

A Picture A Day is a photography blog featuring, you guessed it, a picture a day. They're taken by the author Landsquid, and feature a wide array of different themes, from a late-night forest photo shoot to an indian boy getting drenched in water flowing from an eldery monk's head. They're always good, if a little odd at times. Definitely worth a look if you're a photography fan.

Also if you happen to have a blog you think should be featured, let me know! I'm always on the lookout.


  1. Already following this blog, is quite good.

  2. this is a good one

  3. I hope you'll post every day !

  4. Really nice blog as I actually am interested in photography!

    "indian boy getting drenched in water flowing from an eldery monk's head" must be the best theme ever lol, and I dodn't really believe it before I checked in to check the picture. Keep finding us awesome blogs!

  5. First time i see this, i will check.

  6. cool blog. following! :)
    thanks for the recommendation!

  7. ok ill add a picture of the day to my blog maybe
